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Friends of Goodale Park Update
September 2007
Tête-à-Tête Falls
Fundraising continues with the receipt of two new grants and other significant donations. FGP recently received a $10,000 donation from American Electric Power as well as a recent notice that it has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the Joseph A. Jeffrey Endowment Fund. At the same time, the Paul Cianelli Memorial Fund has raised over $50,000. Bruce Dooley recently added to that fund with the designation of his “Unsung Hero” Award to the Cianelli Fund.
Bruce was the recipient of one of the Short North Business Association 2007 Short North Arts District “Unsung Hero” Awards. The awards recognized individuals who enrich the quality of life in the Short North and Columbus by their contributions to advance art, community, diversity and the Short North spirit. The awards were announced at the SNBA gala held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral on Sunday, June 17. Each Unsung Hero received a $1,500 grant from the SNBA and could then designate the grant to benefit the initiative of the recipient’s choice.
Bruce Dooley was also the recipient of the High Street Guide 2007 “Boosters” Grant of $500 funded from the High Street Neighborhoods High Street Fund. Bruce had applied for this grant in support of Tête-à-Tête Falls. As with the SNBA award, Bruce designated this grant for the Cianelli Fund.
Total fundraising to date amounts to approximately two-thirds of the goal of $250,000. Meanwhile, the Falls Steering Committee has met with two structural engineering firms to explore their involvement with this project. It is hoped that a structural engineering firm will be selected by early September.Playground Renovations
FGP has been working closely with Columbus Recreation and Parks Department to design the renovation and upgrade of the Goodale Park’s major playground. Renovations will include new play equipment, new game tables, new picnic tables and bike racks. Actual work should begin this fall with completion by early next spring.Goodale Gates Restoration
FGP will use Urban Infrastructure Renewal Funds along with a $5,000 grant recently received from the Neighborhood Partnership Program (funded by the Columbus Foundation, United Way, National City Bank and Bob Evans Farms) to restore and preserve the original 1870 gates on the south side of Goodale Park. FGP is currently working with Columbus Recreation and Parks Department to prepare bid documents so that bids can be let this year with restoration work to proceed next spring.Park Maintenance
This has been an especially difficult summer to keep flower beds watered and looking attractive. The effort to keep plants blooming has involved numerous folks who have hauled buckets and dragged hoses across streets, hooking up to property owners who have been willing to let us use their water since we lack water connections in much of the park. This is a concern that has been shared with the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department and with City Council and we continue to explore options.
A strong supporter of FGP’s park maintenance program continues to be the Chase Bank Pride group. In addition to the Pride group’s participation on Saturday clean-up days (which included 20 Chase interns at one of the June events), FGP also receives funding from the J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation for each of our designated clean-up events. Our next park maintenance day will be Saturday, September 15 at 9 a.m. Please join us as we work to keep Goodale as the city’s “best” park.Proposed Dog Forum
The Victorian Village Society will sponsor a public forum on various options in the Short North for off-leash dog areas. The forum will be held on Thursday, October 18 at 7 p.m. as part of the regular VVS monthly meeting. The forum will be held in the Goodale Park shelterhouse.©2007 Short North Gazette, Columbus, Ohio. All rights reserved.
Call Stan Sells at 614-299-4202 for more information or visit