Donald Trump's latest beauty pageant acquisition.
Just because all the roadkill reminds him of his hairdo!
Recession Bridal Wear
Something borrowed, something old, something blue, nothing new!
WTF!!! It's not hard enough that I have to wrap my ankles over my head,
that I have to laugh while doing it?!!
Trying to convince her to stop carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Two old bags! (of money)
The Marching Fidels are shovel ready. About time given all the crap
they've been doling out for decades! |
Strangest case of swine flu yet!
The Doo Dah Band
They HAVE TO dress like that to distract from their cacaphonic musical abilities!
Note to Devon:
To have any legitimate funhouse on the Web, you gotta have at least a double-D sized cup.
This was actually the beginning of the parade. Who says all Asian kids are smart?
She literally has junk in her trunk.
Margaret Thatcher's farewell parade!
Even the Reich had half a scruple!!
You're just jealous that Barack's package is infinitely bigger than yours!!
and on and on and on and on...
After a busy week (Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, Willie Mays),
Mr. and Mrs. G. Reaper take some R&R to march in the parade.
A cautionary tale:
It is not safe to swim in the Scioto or Olentangy rivers.
"Cut my Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid anymore
and next it won't be your head I'll chop off first!"
I told you not to leave Grandpa in the car in this heat for too long!
Finally!!! Truth in advertising.
Mr. and Mrs. Pot Head. Their children, as they say in the vernacular, must be dope!!
"Oh, my! I think I just doo-dahed in my adult diaper watching these degenerates marching by!"
See what happens when there are cutbacks in the city security services!
There's no fashion police on duty to arrest her!
Doo Dah 2009 went green, powered by solar energy. Next year they will just harness all the hot air from the pseudo political pontificating in the parade to power Doo Dah 2010.
Won't be the first time Playboy captured a grade-A boob!
When we have all our liberties back, intact, then life will surely look rosier.
His playing was so grotesque it made the hair on his own arms stand on end!
Mayor coleman's PR firm marched in Doo Dah 2009.
If he spins any more garbage in our direction, my head will spin off my neck!
Some "Trans Fats" in the Short North, an otherwise health-obsessed neighborhood.
Time Alone With Daddy: $100. Vantage Point: $250.
Therapy Needed After Watching These Freaks: Priceless!
(Brought to you by Mastercard)
Obama was supposed to return these to us.
"What happened?" you ask. He discovered the audacity of power!
A full rubber suit in all black in the sweltering heat. Super hero? More like super stupid!
And if parents like you want kids, they should be STERILIZED!!
No wonder the job numbers have been so dismal.
Americans have even begun to outsource their mistresses.
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on..............
Uncle Sam's topsy-turvy retro ride makes for a very greasy stomach resulting in unbearable nausea and unstoppable wretching. Just like living in this economy!
Stop posing around Captain Ohio! Fly your Superhero ass around and start saving our State!
The next time Somali prates hijack a ship, we'll send you two down
to use your booty and free hugs to negotiate freedom for the captives. |
Girl Gone wild
The plus-size edition.
Madoff, they made you sit in the wrong chair.
I'd have put you on a throne...juiced with deadly electricity!
Kids of America: Enjoy these little moments when ma drags you all over the place.
Soon you'll be dragging along the trillions in debt Obama is bequeathing you!
I used this alternative energy on my last trip down Route 69.
The Grim Reaper holding the scales of justice.
Proof of what we've sensed for so long: Lady Justice is dead! |
Sir, we just barely got those damn arches to work and now your merry ride
down the Short North has taken out a few bulbs!!!
It'll be 2069 before those arches light up again!
The funniest thing at the parade: People who came to Doo Dah aren't high on alcohol!