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Scout, a darling American Eskimo, waits to greet the Friends of Goodale Park. FGP Holiday Gala on December 4, 2013
This year’s Friends of Goodale Park Annual Holiday Gala will take place December 4 at the home of Travis Samson and Rajesh Lahoti, 110 Buttle Avenue, and will run from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. There will be wine, appetizers and desserts from local restaurants, and plenty of opportunities to meet neighbors and community members. The Gala is a major fundraiser for enhancements to Goodale Park, so come prepared to bid on artwork and goods from local businesses in a silent auction. A $40 per person donation is requested and can be given at the door. All donations are tax-deductible and 100 percent of proceeds will be used for improvements to the park. Visit Facebook for updates or contact Julie Hallan at juliehallan@gmail.com
Aldus Society Talk on OSU Medieval Bible
The Aldus Society, a local bibliophilic society, will host a presentation by Eric Johnson, Assistant Professor and Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts at Ohio State University Library. This program will take place Thurs., November 14 at the Thurber Center, 91 Jefferson Ave. Dr. Johnson’s talk is entitled “Deconstructing and Reconstructing a Medieval Bible.” He will discuss the life of the Hornby-Cockerell Bible (OSU MS.MR14) which is an example of a rare Bible likely produced in a Parisian workshop sometime in the early 1220s. This Bible survived intact until 1981 when it was sold at auction and promptly broken by its purchasers which resulted in its “deconstruction” into 440 leafs for sale. He will also discuss the slow, methodical process of “reconstructing” both the manuscript itself (physically and digitally) and its original textual, artifactual, and intellectual significance at The Ohio State University. The program begins at 7:30 p.m. and admission is free and open to the public. For more information about the program, please call 614-299-1980 or visit www.aldussociety.com
Two New Concert Series in the Neighborhood
The Garden Theater, 1187 N. High, will host three free contemporary classical music concerts open to the public, presented by The Johnstone Fund for New Music. The first concert will be held on Wednesday, October 23 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Other performances in the series will be presented in the spring.
Another new concert series will offer free outdoor jazz performances at the Harrison Park gazebo starting Sunday, September 8 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. with the Caribbean Jazz Quartet, and running each Sunday through September with Honk, Wail and Moan, the Derek DiCenzo Trio, and Jen Miller and the Flytown Band. The presence of a food truck is being planned for each event. Visit Facebook at Johnstone Fund and Harrison West Jazz Stage for updates on the concerts.3 a.m. Isn’t Too Late for COTA
Until recently, twice a week, High Street could be traversed by bus from German Village to Clintonville up until 3 a.m. Well, twice a week no more! COTA now offers partiers on the High Street corridor the opportunity to stay out till last call three nights a week. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday until 3 a.m., COTA’s #21 Night Owl buses will take passengers along High for only 2 bucks. Now there’s no excuse to drive drunk on those long weekends.
Promises of Proxy Parking
The parking lot at 618 N. High St., next to Bernard’s Tavern, and the lot across the street at 621 N. High have been permanently closed as the Pizzuti Cos. begin construction on a hotel and an office building together called the Joseph Development. It will feature a 313-space parking garage opening next fall. Also, a 250-space garage will open in mid-September when the Hub, a mixed-use business and apartment complex, built by Elford Realtors, opens on Hubbard Avenue.
Pizzuti and Elford are receiving almost 25 million dollars in public money for developments that are supposed to include not less than 500 public parking spaces. However, the developers obtained waivers that allow them to implement less parking access than that. As far as public parking goes, the garages will likely be used primarily by the developments’ residents and business tenants and their visitors.
To make up for the lost parking lots that were located on the N. High strip, Columbus has removed rush hour parking restrictions on N. Fourth and Summit streets, blocks away from the point of contention. The lot on N. High at Lincoln Street and the two lots in the Short North’s Garden District, N. High at E. Second and N. High at E. Fourth, will remain open.
Due to construction of the Joseph, the neighborhood will lose three murals: Basic Training, Union Station and The Cliff Dwellers, a 45’x60’ reproduction of a 1913 painting by Columbus native artist George Bellows. 2013 is that painting’s centenary year, and the Columbus Museum of Art is currently displaying more than 35 works by this world-renowned artist. The Short North Gazette reported in January 2005 that Curtis Goldstein and Michelle Attias, who painted the Bellows mural, had a contract with the then-property owners Sandy Wood and United Commercial Travelers. The contract ensured nothing could be built in the 621 N. High parking lot. The ground-breaking ceremony for the Joseph offices took place in that lot in late August. Wood, UCT, nor Pizzuti contacted the artists. In a statement to this paper, Goldstein said that if in fact there is a no obstruction clause, then a fine solution would be for the responsible party to pay him to repaint the Bellows mural elsewhere nearby. - A.S., Updated 9-15-13.See Bulletin Board for Complete Events Listings
Thompson Recreation Center Closed Until 2014
Thompson Community Center will be closing on May 18, 2013, for eight months while a new heating and air conditioning system is installed. Please check back for an update on the summer and fall program schedules, as they will be relocated to another facility. Thompson’s temporary phone number during this period will be (614) 329-3212.
Friends of Goodale Park Announce Fountain Dedication
The Friends of Goodale Park (FGP) are pleased to announce that the official dedication of the Goodale Fountain will take place on Sunday, May 19. The ceremony marks the bestowment of the fountain to the City of Columbus. This has been an 11-year journey from concept to completion,” said Stan Sells, FGP board of trustees member and chair of the Fountain Committee. “We are grateful to all the people who supported the project with their donations and to the neighbors and friends who waited so patiently as this dream became a reality,” he added. “We invite the public to join us for the dedication celebration,” said Maddy Weisz, FGP board member and co-chair of the event. “In addition to the dedication, the event will feature live music, a costumed pet parade, and an unveiling of the plaque recognizing the supporters who made this tremendous project possible.” The public dedication celebration will begin at 1 p.m. with the pet parade and will conclude at 2 p.m. with the unveiling of the donor plaque.
Visit the Friends of Goodale Park on Facebook and their website at www.goodalepark.orgComFest Meetings
Community Festival 2013 (three days of peace, love, and understanding) will be held June 28 - 30. General planning meetings are scheduled at the shelter house in Goodale Park on Tues., May 7 at 7:30 p.m., Tues., May 14 at 7:30 p.m., Wed., May 22 at 7:30 p.m., Tues., May 28 at 7:30 p.m., Sun., June 2 at 1:00 p.m. Thurs., June 13 at 7:30 p.m., Wed., June 19 at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Jun 26 at 7:30 p.m. Final setup is on Wed. and Thurs., June 26 and 27. Anyone interested is welcome to join in the planning and organizing. The festival cannot exist without the help of community volunteers. Check the website over the coming weeks for details. Visit www.comfest.com
Civic Association Winter Party
The Short North Civic Association will host its Annual Winter Party on Thursday, January 17, 2013, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Brother’s Drake Meadery & Bar. Admission is free and all Short North area residents are invited. Food will be provided by Spinelli’s Deli, and SNCA members will get one free beverage ticket per person. A cash bar will be available. Guests will be invited to take guided tours of Brothers Drake and neighboring distillery Middle West Spirits. During the festivities, attendees will be asked to elect SNCA officers for 2013 and offer suggestions for future SNCA events. The SNCA welcomes all area homeowners, renters, business owners, and employees to become members. Memberships can be purchased in person at the party or by visiting shortnorthcivic.org. Brothers Drake is located at 26 East Fifth Ave.
Short North Winter Sale
It’s the biggest sale of the year: the Short North Winter Sale. Many area merchants are offering discounts on various items such as clothing, furniture, candles, art, and accessories to push inventory to prepare for new incoming spring inventory. The two-day event is scheduled Saturday, January 19 and Sunday, January 20, featuring amazing offers from the district’s favorite shops. Many merchants will stay open late, but core hours for the sale will be Saturday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Please check merchant listings for individual store hours. Not all stores are open on Sunday. Come early for the best selection. Visit Short North on Facebook for updates.
ComFest Meetings and Logo Contest
Community Festival 2013 (three days of peace, love, and understanding) will be held June 28 - 30. General planning meetings are scheduled at the residence house in Goodale Park on Tuesday, January 8; Tuesday, February 12; and Thursday, Feburary 28 at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested is welcome to join in the planning and organizing. The festival cannot exist without the help of community volunteers. Entries for the annual Logo Contest must be brought to the shelter house on Thursday, March 7 at 7:30. The winning logo will be used on T-shirts and the ComFest program guide. Check the website over the coming weeks for details. Visit www.comfest.com
Block Watch Window Decals Available
Short North Block Watch (SNBW) window decals are now available to residents and businesses of the Short North neighborhoods. Featuring the SNBW logo and web address, the decals are being distributed and displayed in the neighborhhood to build awareness of the Short North community’s vigilance and neighborhood pride. The project will help develop bonds within the community to consolidate the effort to fight crime. Citizens in block watches, communicating and networking, can have a huge impact on crime, according to law enforcement.
This initiative was spearheaded by Malcolm Riggle whose leadership and generous contributions include the funding for 10,000 stickers. Volunteer Ali Wade created the design with the original logo developed by Kevin Fox. Riggle is confident the window stickers will help raise safety awareness in the neighborhood and encourages everyone to report suspicious activity to the police by calling 614-645-4545.
Short North Block Watch Coordinator Amelia Costanzo explained that the SNBW and its partners encourage residents and visitors of the Short North to program the Columbus Police Department’s non-emergency number into their phones to quickly call in suspicious behavior or other matters of concern. An alternative way to convey this information to the Police Department is through their CPD Tips app.
The SNBW facilitates information-sharing through their Facebook page, on their website, via email, and through their partners’ social media and websites. The SNBW also runs special campaigns, events, and programs to promote crime-prevention and safety throughout the Short North.Decals are available through an online request form and will also be available at Short North business locations and the following community meetings:
Short North Civic Associaton: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7 p.m., at Goodale Park Caretaker’s ResidenceHarrison West Society: 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m., at Harrison Park Condos Community Center
Italian Village Society: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., at 1066 North High St.
Short North Alliance: 1st Wednesday of the month, 9:30 a.m.; and 1st Thursday of the month, 2:30 p.m., at 21 East 5th Ave., Suite 103
Visit shortnorthblockwatch.org and facebook.com/theshortnorthblockwatch
Friends of Goodale Park Annual Holiday Gala
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, December 5 at 6 p.m. and plan to attend the Annual Friends of Goodale Park Holiday Gala at the home of Michael Cash and Kyongson Pae, 743 Dennison Avenue. The Holiday Gala is always a delightful evening and the major fundraiser for enhancements to Goodale Park. It is a great way to meet your neighbors, sample delicious food and wine provided by our generous Short North dining establishments, and bid on silent auction items donated by local artists and businesses.
A $35 donation is requested at the door – 100 percent of which goes for park improvements. Projects completed during 2012 include the fountain in Goodale Lake, the lights on the Goodale Street gates, renovation of the northwest gateway, coordination with Pizutti Companies to return the UCT monument to its original location, and a record number of volunteers planting and maintaining the grounds.
Bring your ideas for future projects. If you can’t attend please consider a year-end donation to Friends of Goodale Park. Since FGP is a 501(c)(3) organization your donation is tax deductible.
This year’s gala location across from the park is a grand home with great architecture, a beautiful view of the park and downtown, interesting antiques, unique collections, and charming homeowners. You won’t want to miss it! Visit www.goodalepark.org or Friends of Goodale Park on Facebook to learn more.Gender in Media: Miss Representation Film and Discussion on Wed., Nov. 28
What is Miss Representation? Written and directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the documentary Miss Representation exposes how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. The film challenges the media’s limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls, which make it difficult for women to achieve leadership positions and for the average woman to feel powerful.
In a society where media is the most persuasive force shaping cultural norms, the collective message that our young women and men overwhelmingly receive is that a woman’s value and power lie in her youth, beauty, and sexuality, and not in her capacity as a leader. While women have made great strides in leadership over the past few decades, the United States is still 90th in the world for women in national legislatures, women hold only 3 percent of clout positions in mainstream media, and 65 percent of women and girls have disordered eating behaviors.
Join The Women’s Fund for a screening of the film. Facilitators will bring the conversation from the national to the local level, providing information about the status of women and girls around the world to current data on central Ohio. The program will include virtual conversations during the film, asking the audience to weigh in on their thoughts about the issues being raised. Immediately following the film, attendees can participate in a round table discussion.When: Wednesday, November 28, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Movie Screening, 7:30-8 p.m. Round Table Discussion
Where: Arena Grand Theatre, 175 West Nationwide Blvd.
Cost: $10 tickets available online at www.womensfundcentralohio.org or by calling 614-225-9926
The event is sponsored by Puffin West, working to enhance the cultural landscape by partnering with Central Ohio’s diverse community groups whose good works best reflect Puffin’s mission to create a better neighborhood and better world by continuing the dialogue between art and the lives of ordinary people.
First Annual Harrison West Neighbor of the Year Award
The Harrison West neighborhood is a place full of inspirational individuals. For the first time, the Harrison West Society wishes to recognize the contributions of its vital community leaders.
The Harrison West Neighbor of the Year Award will be presented to a person who has demonstrated extraordinary involvement in the community and inspires others to make Harrison West a better place. This can be any member of the central Ohio community: a neighbor, co-worker, friend, business, or community leader. There are no additional requirements or restrictions.
To nominate a deserving individual for the Harrison West Neighbor of the Year Award, submit a short narrative on why someone you know deserves this honor (500 words or less) no later than Dec. 4, 2012, to neighbornomination@harrisonwest.org. The award winner will be announced at the Harrison West Society’s annual Winter Celebration on December 19, 2012.
Questions? Contact Kristen Easterday at president@harrisonwest.org or 614-561-2348. Deadline: December 4, 2012ComFest Meetings
Community Festival 2013 (three days of peace, love, and understanding) will be held in 2013 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 28 - 30. General planning meetings are scheduled at the Residence House in Goodale Park on Sunday, November 11 at 1 p.m. and Wednesday, December 19 at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested is welcome to join in the planning and organizing. The festival cannot exist without the help of community volunteers. For more information, visit www.comfest.com
Public Invited to Celebrate Park Gate Restoration
Photo © Beverly Mullet Randall Join the Friends of Goodale Park on Sunday, October 7 around l:45 to celebrate the renovation of the historic gates at the corner of Buttles and Dennison avenues. The Columbus Day Italian Parade will pass by around 2 p.m., and the ceremony will commence immediately after.
The renovation was coordinated by the Friends of Goodale Park, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department. It was funded by a Chase 200Columbus Neighborhood Grant, the Columbus Foundation, and United Way along with donations from the Short North Civic Association and private donors. This is a two-phase project. FGP is seeking additional funds for the future restoration of the masonry.
On November 21, 1899, a group of 300 neighbors, 500 pupils from Hubbard Avenue School, plus city council members and guest speaker Charles Collmer (senator from New York) gathered for the cornerstone laying of the newly completed northwest gates.
The elaborate entranceway was designed by Isabel Terrell, an architect who lived across the street on Dennison Avenue. Stone was donated by William Fish, who lived in the stone house diagonally across the street. Fish owned The Fish Stone Company located where Miranova and the Waterford currently stand. The City of Columbus created the sidewalk and carriage path, and the iron gates were installed more recently, having been moved from the Topiary Park on Town Street when the gatehouse was constructed.
The carved faces on the columns depict the Seven Ages of Men from Shakespeare’s play “As You Like It.” The eighth carving is the face of Lincoln Goodale. Photos of the original gates show red tile. Over the years it was replaced with several layers of asphalt shingles. Roger Farrell of The JF Company, contractor for the renovation, explained that the shingles were removed and replaced with red Spanish tile salvaged from historic buildings similar to the original tile, and the wood surfaces were stripped, primed, and painted to closely match the original color.
The 1899 program was conducted by the pupils of Hubbard Avenue School and consisted of the “Pledge of Loyalty to the Flag,” singing of the “Star Spangled Banner,” “Flag of Columbia,” and “Grander Than All the Banners of the World,” written by W.W. McCallip of Columbus. Senator Collmer gave a speech, and Alice Tyler of the seventh grade thanked Lucile Fish (sixth grade) for donating the stone seat surrounding the southern column. A metal box containing lists of various organizations, newspapers, and photos was placed in the seat.
The program on October 7 will be presented by pupils from Fifth Avenue School (coincidentally the building where Fifth Avenue School is currently conducting classes was built in 1898) and will be similar to the original program of 1899. Be sure to check frequently for future events at goodalepark.org.Short North Tour of Homes & Gardens
Grab a trolley ride and visit ten neighborhood architectural treasures
Developer Connie Klema’s latest effort at 79 E.. Russell St. with four-story floor plans and a car “elevator” for stack parking. Photo | Debbie Rosenfeld | www.DebbieRphotography.com On Saturday and Sunday, September 15 and 16, home improvement and landscaping enthusiasts are invited to explore some beautiful and unique spaces in the historic Short North neighborhood at the 2012 Short North Tour of Homes & Gardens presented by the Short North Civic Association and Keller Williams Classic Properties.
This year’s tour features 10 locations, including the century-old residence of Ken Brushaber and Sue Nicholson, who spent 11 years restoring and adding on to their property, and the updated condo of Jason Hunt, part of a development created by former Buckeye football player Curly Morrison in which each function of the home has its own floor.
Tour attendees will also get an intimate look at innovative projects in-progress, such as developer Connie Klema’s latest effort: tall, narrow single-family homes on the edge of I-670 with four-story floor plans and a car “elevator” for stacked parking. The first residence completed by Bruce Shumard and Eddie Hambrick in a 10,000 square foot former manufacturing facility is also included, along with a behind-the-scenes peek at the long-vacant Garden Theater, which is on the road to becoming a state-of-the-art performance facility through the efforts of the nonprofit Short North Stage.
The preview tour, sponsored by List Columbus, begins at 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 15. The $100 ticket includes a cocktail reception and a chef-created dinner in a lovely private neighborhood home. Preview guests will be among the first to see another up-and-coming local development, the in-progress microbrewery and event space Seventh Son Brewing Company, site of this year’s reception.
The general tour is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 16. Tickets for Sunday are $15 in advance, $20 day of tour, and include access to a trolley shuttle bus for easy traveling between tour stops.
Advance tickets are available at Spinelli’s Deli, 767 Neil Avenue, and online at tickets.shortnorthcivic.org. Day-of-tour tickets will be available only at Spinelli’s Deli.
More information about this year’s tour is available through the Short North Civic Association’s website, www.shortnorthcivic.org, and its Facebook page.
Final Film in Goodale Park: Nina West will emcee
The Short North Civic Association will present The Sound of Music as part of its Screen on the Green movie series in Goodale Park on Friday, September 21 at 7 p.m. Nina West will emcee. The film will be shown on a 30-foot screen at the park’s softball diamond. Festivities will kick off with a Sound of Music trivia contest and a scavenger hunt by Tweet And Go Seek. Food trucks/carts will sell refreshments. This is the last movie of the season. Remember to bring blankets, lawn chairs, and flashlights. Screen on the Green is free and open to the public and is made possible through organization and major funding by the Short North Civic Association, with additional funding by the Short North Foundation, Gateway Film Center, and ComFest. There are no rain dates. Visit movies.shortnorthcivic.org and facebook.com/shortnorthcivic
Screen on the Green
The Short North Civic Association will launch the fourth season of Screen on the Green on July 20 with a screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. This will be the first of three outdoor movie nights held on a 30-foot screen at the softball diamond in the southwest corner of Goodale Park.
JUL 20: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (8:30 p.m.)
AUG 17: Steel Magnolias (8 p.m.)
SEPT 21: The Sound of Music (7 p.m.)All movies begin at sundown and are preceded by a half hour of classic cartoons. Each film will also feature themed contests and activities that encourage audience participation. Details about these fun interactive elements will be shared two weeks before each screening.
A variety of food trucks and carts will sell refreshments, as organized by Food Fort Columbus. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets, lawn chairs, and flashlights. There are no rain dates.
Screen on the Green is FREE and open to the public. Visit movies.shortnorthcivic.org and facebook.com/shortnorthcivicGoodale Park Music Series The 4th annual Goodale Park Music
Series will present six free outdoor concerts at Goodale Park’s Gazebo this summer. All shows run from 12:30 to 2 p.m. rain or shine. The lineup features these Columbus performing acts:
JUL 8: Tony Monaco (b3monaco.com)
JUL 15: The Fabulous Johnson Brothers (thejbros.com)
JUL 29: Maza Blaska (mazablaska.com)
AUG 5: The Spikedrivers (thespikedrivers.com)
AUG 12: Mary Adam 12 (myspace.com/maryadam12)
AUG 19: Nick Tolford & Company (facebook.com/nicktoldfordandcompany)New This Year: Live Art + Comic Book Creators
A rotating group of local artists will create live art at the park throughout the series, including Short North artist Josey Joseph, Hayley Meyers with Terra Gallery, and youth artists from TRANSIT Arts.
Local comic book creators including 2 Headed Monster Comics, Blink Comics, Nix Comics, Sunday Comix (a comic collective), Vantage:InHouse Productions (maker of U Cre-8 Comics for kids), and Yuri: The Awakening, will sell comic books at the shows.Food Carts: A variety of local food carts will sell refreshments at each show, as organized by Food Fort Columbus.
Free Kids Activities: Columbus Artmobile, which provides arts education and hands-on instruction for students, will host rotating kids arts activities throughout the series. OpenheartART, a community-based performing arts and creative self-expression organization, will perform in Openheart Creature body puppets at the July 15 and August 12 concerts.
Sound Engineering: Fred Blitzer with Vital Companies will run sound for all six shows.
About the Goodale Park Music Series: The Goodale Park Music Series aims to promote community, celebrate Goodale Park, and support Columbus musicians and artists. It’s funded by the Short North Foundation, Short North Civic Association, ComFest, Friends of Goodale Park, and Harrison West Society, and was founded by Alexandra Kelley Fox in 2009.
Metropolitan Library Northside Programs and Events for July/August
The Northside Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library is located at 1423 N. High St., just north of King Avenue. Listed below are some of the activities offered during the months of July and August.
Read and have a blast! Join Summer Reading Club. Visit columbuslibrary.org/summerreadingclub for more details.
Tween and Teen Gaming (Tues. 4:30 - 5:30p; Thurs. Aug. 16 and 30) Come hang out and play your favorite video games. Ages: 8-17
Teen Lounge (Thurs. 4:30-5:30 on Aug. 16 and 30) Hang out with your friends, read, and plan projects. It’s all up to you. Ages: 10-17.
Job Help Center: Hands on Help (Mon. and Wed. 4-6p; Wed., Aug. 1, 4-6p; Starting Aug. Mon., 10-12p. and starting Aug. 8, Wed., 12-2p) Staff and/or volunteers are available to assist with applying for jobs online, creating/sending resumes and searching Internet job sites. Ages: Adult
Homework Help Center (M-Th 3:30-6:30 starting Aug. 22) Students will find everything they need to complete their homework – friendly volunteers, computers, on-site school supplies and a welcoming atmosphere for studying and learning. Age: K-12th gradeReady to Read Playgroup (Sat. 11a - 12p) Having playtime is great for getting your child ready to read. Join us in the children’s area for structured play and pick up ideas about getting your child ready for kindergarten. Ages 0-3
Toddler/Preschool Storytime (Tues 10:30a ) Books, songs, stories and surprises to help inspire your child to learn to love reading. Age: 1-5 years old
Family Storytime (Tues 6:30p) Reading is a family affair. Join us and share in stories, songs, and fun. All ages
Greek Festival and Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral across from the Convention Center in the Short North is celebrating its 40th annual festival this year and the 100th anniversary of the parish. In addition to Greek food, music, dancing, and unique vendors, the four-day festival scheduled over Labor Day Weekend will offer tours of the magnificent cathedral with its beautiful mosaics and pristine marble. Everything you need to know about the event is found at www.greekcathedral.com. The church will also be hosting an Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show on Sunday, August 19 from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. featuring over 125 local artists and crafters selling handmade items. The show is produced by Cleveland-based Rebecca Cooper. Admission is $3 with a portion of the proceeds going to the non-profit Local Matters. Visit www.avantgardeshows.com
Garden Tour Features Speakers in Goodale Park
Mark your calendar for Sunday, June 10, from 1 to 4 pm and plan to spend a fun and informative afternoon in and around Goodale Park. Friends of Goodale Park is presenting a garden tour featuring homes near the park as well as special attractions within the park – the statue, the lake, the caretaker’s residence, the gazebo, the new fountain, and the UCT monument recently returned to its original 1907 location. Guest speakers will be presenting talks (1pm, 2pm, 3pm) of special interest to gardeners in the courtyard of the Caretaker’s Residence located in the center of the park. Maps will be available to guide visitors to the gardens near the park as well as Items of interest within the park. Accompanying the map will be a scavenger hunt form. Those that find and record all items and return their entries to the last home they visit will be entered in a drawing to win a prize. Visit goodalepark.org for more information about the park as well as special events throughout the year.
Short North 2012 Yard Sale
The Short North Civic Association will host this year’s Short North Yard Sale on Saturday, June 2 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The daylong treasure hunt takes place in the neighborhoods around the Short North, including Victorian Village, Harrison West, Italian Village, Dennison Place, and The Circles. More than 150 homes participated in last year’s sale, making it the largest neighborhood yard sale in Columbus. Short North area residents can register in the official listing at yardsale.shortnorthcivic.org. The online listing features an interactive map and detailed descriptions of the various items that will be for sale, including furniture, clothing, toys, and jewelry. yardsale.shortnorthcivic.org
Metropolitan Library Northside Programs and Events for May/June
The Northside Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library is located at 1423 N. High St., just north of King Avenue. Listed below are some of the activities offered during the months of May and June.
Tween and Teen Gaming (Thurs. 4:30-5:30 on May 10. 24, 31) Come hang out and play your favorite video games. Ages: 8-17
Teen Lounge (Thurs. 4:30-5:30 on May 3 and 17) Hang out with your friends, read, and plan projects. It’s all up to you. Ages: 10-17.
Job Help Center: Hands on Help (M 10a-12; W 12-2; Starting June 11, M, W 4-6p) Staff and/or volunteers are available to
assist with applying for jobs online, creating/sending resumes and searching Internet job sites. Ages: AdultHomework Help Center (M-Th 3:30-6:30 in May) Students will find everything they need to complete their homework – friendly volunteers, computers, on-site school supplies and a welcoming atmosphere for studying and learning. Age: K-12th grade
Ready to Read Playgroup (Sat. 11a - 12p) Having playtime is great for getting your child ready to read. Join us in the children’s area for structured play and pick up ideas about getting your child ready for kindergarten. Ages 0-3
Teen Art with Mr. Ryan (Sat., May 12, 1-3p) Try some new art techniques wiht our staff artist! Ages 8-17
Toddler/Preschool Storytime (Tues in June 10:30a ) Books, songs, stories and surprises to help inspire your child to learn to love reading. Age: 1-5 years old
Family Storytime (Tues in June 6:30p) Reading is a family affair. Join us and share in stories, songs, and fun. All ages
Summer Reading Club starts June 9!
For more information, call (614)645-2275 or visit www.columbuslibrary.org
Women’s Fund of Central Ohio Iconic Guest
The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio will headline its annual Keyholder event with Whoopi Goldberg at Nationwide Arena on Friday, June 29 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Each year, Keyholder draws together a diverse audience for a compelling celebration of the women and girls who have made a difference. Enjoy a magical night of storytelling, compelling grant partner stories, touching tributes to women and girls, and an interview with hilarious, iconic guest Whoopi Goldberg. Funds raised by this event empower The Women’s Fund to provide grants to non-profits that promote social change for women and girls, grow women as philanthropists, and increase awareness of the needs of women and girls in our community. Share your spirit of philanthropy and join in with your whole family and all your friends. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster for $50 (plus $13.15 fee). Visit womensfundcentralohio.org or call 614-225-9926 to learn more.
An Intimate Evening with Marty Raybon at New Life Church
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Marty Raybon
New Life United Methodist Church will hold its 6th Annual Benefit Concert on Friday, May 11 featuring Grammy Award winner Marty Raybon performing solo guitar. Raybon’s career began as lead singer of the group Shenandoah before he branched off with his brother Tim as the Raybon Brothers, eventually going solo in 1997. His contributions to the recording industry have sold well into the millions. Two albums released this year are Hand to the Plow and Southern Roots & Branches (Yesterday & Today). Doors open for the event at 6 p.m. with a silent auction and refreshments. At 7 p.m., the Bluegrass group Strung Up will perform. Marty Raybon will be on stage at 8 p.m. The concert and fundraiser supports the church outreach ministries serving the needs of hundreds of the most vulnerable citizens of Central Ohio - the homeless and impoverished. The suggested minimum donation at the door is $10. Packages of new socks and new underwear are also needed. New Life United Methodist Church is located in the Short North at 25 West Fifth Ave. To learn more about Marty go to www.martyraybon.com. To learn more about New Life United Methodist Church go to www.newlifeunitedmethodist.org or call 614-294-0134.
Community Festival 40 New Peace Village and other news from ComFest Folks
ComFest celebrates 40 years of building community on June 22, 23 and 24 in Goodale Park. The annual festival, although many times larger than the original event, remains all volunteer and free of corporate sponsorship or city funding. In fact, profits from the festival are plowed back into the community through grants and gifts throughout the year. The "Party with a Purpose" emphasizes local, green and peaceful. ComFest’s juried Street Fair is comprised of local artisans and food vendors and community organizations. Stages of rock and roll feature local musicians and performers. This year the west side of Goodale Park will be home to a new Peace Village, including the Solar Stage music, workshops and accredited continuing education classes in green technology, KidsArt with family activities and kid-friendly entertainment, the Healing Arts Zone’s workshops and demonstrations focused on holistic and natural palliatives for body and spirit, and the Peace Tent, a central gathering place for community groups, media contact, networking opportunities, information about local issues and ballot initiatives, and special events. The Peace Village is completely solar powered and committed to green principles, offering daily demonstrations and examples of green living and clean energy alternatives.
Among special guests this year are Holly Near (singer/songwriter and activist for social change) and David Cobb, (Green Party activist, lawyer and political organizer). Both will be presenting workshops as well as performing/speaking. ComFest presents a dozen workshops each day, and another dozen speakers inform and enlighten ComFesters about the many organizations and projects that help build a better community in Columbus and central Ohio. (Of special interest this year: women’s rights and healthcare, issues in the news, in the legislature and on ballots across the country. Check ComFest schedules for women-centered events and look for information about the issue at the Peace Tent.) The ComFest Program Guide will be available (free) at popular locations in the Short North and online about a week before the festival. It contains schedules of music, workshops and speakers, valuable information to enhance the public’s enjoyment of Community Festival, and a backward glance at the festival’s history and the principles that guide it still.SOME THINGS TO REMEMBER
• PROGRAM GUIDE Available one week before festival at popular locations and online.
• NO BYOB etc. Keep It Legal!
• SAFETY FIRST! Read the few necessary rules and keep ComFest safe and peaceful.
• TAKE COTA OR RIDE YOUR BICYCLE and use ComFest’s FREE and secure bike corral.
Avoid traffic snarls and help the neighborhood.• MOVE AROUND THE FESTIVAL Try to experience something new. Check out Los Escritores (poets). Drop by one of the poetry or comedy shows or practice Tai Chi at the Healing Arts Zone. Look for the onsite sculpture-builders – in the tradition of Navajo (or Tibetan) sandpainting (the art of healing) – these sculptures will be constructed in the Peace Village during the festival and
deconstructed at its close on Sunday at 8 pm.• VOLUNTEER! It takes thousands of hands giving a few hours of time to help the festival run smoothly and keep it truly community.
• HOURS: FRIDAY: 11am to 11pm • SATURDAY: 11 am to 10 pm • SUNDAY: 11 am to 8pm
Visit comfest.com for more information and to volunteer. Happy ComFest 40!
Film Council Fundraiser at Brothers Drake Meadery
The Columbus International Film + Video Festival is the longest running film festival in the nation. Help make this year’s 60th festival the best event yet by attending the Columbus Film Council’s Spring Fundraiser Screening the last day in May at Brothers Drake Meadery & Bar in the Short North. This is your VIP access to supporting local artists and film in Columbus.
Join the recipients of the 2011 Greater Columbus Arts Council’s Individual Fellowship for an up-close and personal look at their award-winning work. Tom Hayes will be screening a 10-minute clip from a work in progress “Two Blue Lines,” a documentary about the Israeli peace movement. Matt Meindl will offer a sneak preview screening of his work-in-progress “Don’t Break Down.” John Whitney will be screening excerpts from his award-winning works “Measured Sacrifice,” “Eroded,” and a few clips from his new film in progess, the Rockumentary, “Meet The Phantods.”
Enjoy the company of fellow film buffs, hear the inside scoop on the artists’ creative process, engage in question and answer sessions. Enjoy local mead and nosh on tasty treats from Mojoe Lounge, fabulous cupcakes from Pattycake Bakery, something delicious from Explorers Club and other local artisan foods. Brothers Drake Meadery is located at 26 E. 5th Ave. The fundraiser is scheduled on Thursday, May 31 from 8 to 11 p.m. Attendance is limited to 50, so hurry and reserve your spot. Donation levels include $50 and $100, offering membership benefits and entry to the November festival party at CCAD. To purchase tickets and find information about the filmmakers and ticket benefits, visit www.chrisawards.org or call Brothers Drake Meadery & Bar at 614-388-8765.
Harpo Marx as Trickster
Charlene Fix will give a presentation on “Harpo Marx as Trickster: Why We Laugh at Him, Why We Love Him, Why He Seems Divine,” at the JungHaus, 59 W. Third Ave., on Sunday, May 6 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Fix, who teaches literature and writing at Columbus College of Art & Design, is completing a study of Harpo Marx’s persona in the 13 Marx Brothers films. “With his cohorts Groucho and Chico, Harpo accomplishes Trickster work of cleansing societies and institutions. Via the iconic tropes of muteness, a horn, and a proffered leg swinging at the knee, Harpo amuses while teaching us how to survive with a flexible egalitarian spirit. Like Trickster tales, the Marx Brothers’ films arc
between disorder and balance, passing through chaos, with Harpo’s tantalizing complexity at the heart of the disruption.” Space is limited. Pre-register by calling 614-291-8050. Fee is $12 or $15 at the door with membership discounts. Visit www.jungcentralohio.org.Call to Filmmakers Worldwide Submissions for EcoSummit 2012
In the early fall of 2012, the focus of the world’s ecological community will be on Columbus as the host city for EcoSummit 2012. The event will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. This fourth in a series of international gatherings will likely attract over 2,000 participants from more than 100 countries. EcoSummit 2012 will focus on integrative aspects of all ecological science and its application under the general theme of “Ecological Sustainability: Restoring the Planet’s Ecosystem Services.” Filmmakers worldwide are invited to submit short films on environmental themes (sustainability, protecting and repairing the environment, environmental awareness, ecosystems, etc) to the EcoSummit 2012 International Film Festival. Submissions must be received by August 1, 2012, and meet the format requirements. Films shorter than three minutes and longer than eight minutes in running time will not be considered. Films may be submitted in the following divisions: Professional, Amateur, Ohio filmmakers (amateur only), Student, Ohio student. Films should be “language independent,” the extent to which a viewer who does not speak the language used in the film (if any) can understand and follow the film. Films may be submitted in any language and may include subtitles. Cinematography/Videography. For more information on EcoSummit 2012 visit www.ecosummit2012.org
Short North Foundation Now Accepting Grant Requests
The Short North Foundation is accepting requests for grants between $500 and $2,500 from area organizations with projects taking place in or around the Short North. Specifically, the Foundation seeks projects and programs that benefit Short North area residents, unite Short North neighborhoods, and incorporate or preserve public works of art and architecture. The deadline to submit a grant proposal is June 29. Projects requiring multiple-year funding will be considered. To request grant guidelines and a grant application, email Alexandra Kelley Fox at alexandra477@gmail.com
Short North Stage’s Green Room Cabernet Cabaret
“Cabernet Cabaret – Getting Through Winter with Song, Wit and Wine” is a series of cabaret shows in The Green Room at the Garden Theatre. The Short North Stage has scheduled two performances each night on Friday, March 9 and Saturday March 10 with one of Columbus’ finest song stylists, Melissa Muguruza Weaver. A Broadway-inspired musical discovery, “Everybody’s Girl” focuses on one woman’s relationship, with herself and others, and the roles she plays in her quest to be everybody’s girl. The exploration employs eclectic song selections from musical theater and cabaret, including songs by Kander and Ebb, Stephen Sondheim and Cy Coleman. Performances are scheduled at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on both nights at 1187 N. High St. Tickets can be purchased online at www.shortnorthstage.org for $10 or at the door for $12. DETAILS www.shortnorthstage.orgPersian Musical Feast Coming in May - Carpe Diem String Quartet in Short North
Described as one of the most versatile quartets of their generation, the Carpe Diem String Quartet will present A Persian Musical Feast, three days celebrating and illuminating the culture, literature, music and food of the Persian people – with guest artists Santoor (Dariush Saghafi), vocalist Shoreh Elhami, and the Columbus Dance Theatre on Friday, May 4 (6 p.m.) and Saturday, May 5 (12:30 p.m.), and Sunday, May 6 (12 p.m.) at Harrison Park Community Center, 575 W. First Ave. Tickets are $20; $15 for seniors; $5 student with ID. A free Family Concert is scheduled on Sunday, May 6 (2 p.m.) and no tickets are required for that concert. The programs include the world premiere of Khabiri Quartet by Richard Jordan Smoot; Calligraphy No. 4 and Folk Songs for String Quartet by Iranian composer Reza Vali. Food provided by Nanak Bakery/Restaurant. Visit www.cdsq.org to order tickets online or call 614-205-8160. DETAILS www.cdsq.org
Metropolitan Library Northside Programs and Events for Mar/Apr
The Northside Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library is located at 1423 N. High St., just north of King Avenue. Listed below are some of the activities offered during the months of March and April.Toddler/Preschool Storytime (Tues 10:30a ) Books, songs, stories and surprises to help inspire your child to learn to love reading. Age: 1-5 years old
Family Storytime (Tues 6:30p) Reading is a family affair. Join us and share in stories, songs, and fun. All ages
Tween and Teen Gaming (Thurs. 4:30-5:30 on Mar. 8, 22; Apr. 5, 19) Come hang out and play your favorite video games. Ages: 8-17
Job Help Center: Hands on Help (M 10a-12; W 12-2) Staff and/or volunteers are available to assist with applying for jobs online, creating/sending resumes and searching Internet job sites. Ages: Adult
Homework Help Center (M-Th 3:30-6:30) Students will find everything they need to complete their homework – friendly volunteers, computers, on-site school
supplies and a welcoming atmosphere for studying and learning. Age: K-12th gradeReady to Read Playgroup (Sat. 11a - 12p) Having playtime is great for getting your child ready to read. Join us in the children’s area for structured play and pick up ideas about getting your child ready for kindergarten. Ages 0-3
Teen Art (Sat., Mar. 10, 3-5p) Join your friends as we explore various art techniques and create your own masterpiece to take home. Ages 12-17
For more information, call (614)645-2275 or visit www.columbuslibrary.org
JungHaus Meeting
On Saturday, March 10, join Phil Meeks at the JungHaus for An Introduction to James Hollis: The man and his books, a preface to Hollis’s April 13 and 14 presentation on The Sailor Cannot See the North: The Psychospiritual Dilemma of our Time scheduled at First Community Church. Hollis’ talk will examine the need to maintain one’s integrity amid current political fractionation, animosity, divisive ideologies and numbing distractions. Call 614-291-8050 or visit JACO at www.jungcentralohio.org to learn more.
DETAILS www.jungcentralohio.orgJANUARY/APRIL 2012
Short North Civic Association Hosts Winter Party January 19
The Short North Civic Association will hold its annual Winter Party on Thursday, January 19 at Short North Stage from 6 to 8 p.m. All Short North area residents are invited. Admission is free, and food and drinks will be provided. Live musical performances of songs from upcoming Short North Stage shows will take place in The Green Room and guests can take behind-the-scene tours of the theater. Attendees will also be invited to elect SNCA officers for 2012 and fill out suggestion forms for future SNCA events. “We look forward to our annual party all year,” said Jeff Smith, president of the Short North Civic Association. “It’s a great way for everyone who lives in the area to mingle and learn about what’s happening in the Short North.” The SNCA welcomes all area homeowners, renters, business owners, and employees to become members. Annual SNCA memberships cost $25 for individuals, $50 per household, and $75 for businesses. They can be purchased in person at the party or by visiting shortnorthcivic.org. Short North Stage is located at 1187 North High Street. The Short North Civic Association (formerly known as The Victorian Village Society) is a nonprofit organization focused on building a strong community through representation, education, advocacy, and events. Major projects include The Short North Tour of Homes & Gardens, Screen on the Green movie series, Goodale Park Music Series, Short North Yard Sale, Short North Block Watch, The Vibe monthly eNewsletter, Short North neighborhood signage program, and area traffic management efforts. Visit shortnorthcivic.org for more information or Facebook.Metropolitan Library Northside Programs and Events for Jan/Feb
The Northside Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library is located at 1423 N. High St., just north of King Avenue. Listed below are some of the activities offered during the months of January and February.Toddler/Preschool Storytime (Tues 10:30a ) Books, songs, stories and surprises to help inspire your child to learn to love reading. Age: 1-5 years old
Family Storytime (Tues 6:30p) Reading is a family affair. Join us and share in stories, songs, and fun. All ages
Tween and Teen Gaming (Thurs. 4:30-5:30) Come hang out and play your favorite video games. Ages: 8-17
Job Help Center: Hands on Help (M 10a-12; W 12-2, except Feb 8, 1-3) Staff and/or volunteers are available to assist with applying for jobs online, creating/sending resumes and searching Internet job sites. Ages: Adult
Homework Help Center (M-Th 3:30-6:30) Students will find everything they need to complete their homework – friendly volunteers, computers, on-site school supplies and a welcoming atmosphere for studying and learning. Age: K-12th grade
Ready to Read Playgroup (Sat. 11a - 12p) Having playtime is great for getting your child ready to read. Join us in the children’s area for structured play and pick up ideas about getting your child ready for kindergarten. Ages 0-3
Teen Art (Sat., Jan. 28, 3-5p) Join your friends as we explore various art techniques and create your own masterpiece to take home. Ages 12-17
Death, Dreams, Coffee at JungHaus
Informal discussion exploring the concepts of Carl Jung and post-Jungians, offered by the C. G. Jung Association, is scheduled at the JungHaus, 59 W. Third Ave., the second Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon. These meetings are free (donations appreciated) and open to the public. On Saturday, January 14, Terry Malinowski will lead a discussion asking “What Opportunity Might Death Offer Us?” The greatest loss, one could argue, is not death but what dies inside us while we live. By embracing our mortality we may be able to truly live. In February, Steven McGuire, a sociology professor at Muskingum University, will offer an introduction to creating videos of dreams. He has participated in dream groups for 20 years, and his short film Catastrophe Dream screened at festivals in Seattle and San Francisco. His presentation on February 11 will include a viewing of the film.
The JungHaus facility has a bookstore, library, art gallery, and staff of analysts. Regular lectures by Jungian scholars are sponsored by the association. Hours are 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Call 614-291-8050 or visit JACO Web site at www.jungcentralohio.org to learn more.Children’s Theatre Brings Classic Tale and Newbery Honor Book to Park St. Theatre
The Columbus Children’s Theatre brings in the new year with a production of the classic fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears showing January 12 - 22, and in February, an adaptation of the Newbery Honor book by Audrey Couloumbis, Getting Near to Baby, staged February 9 - 26. Both performances will be held at the Park Street Theatre. Goldilocks has never been funnier. Recommended for age 3 and older, here are the adventures that lie in store for the CCT audience:Take a classic fairy tale, give it a burst of energy, add lots of audience participation and you’re in for a hilarious time. In our case, the story is a flashback. Baby Bear and Goldilocks are friends, playing and arguing about who really broke Papa’s chair. Mama and Papa Bear can’t agree either, so they decide to re-enact the story as it really happened. The familiar story is all there, mixed with frantic entrances, exits and near-misses as Goldilocks is almost discovered – several times! And there’s always a message. The lesson here, among others, is that we shouldn’t lie.
Getting Near to Baby, recommended for age 8 and older, traces a family’s journey of acceptance and understanding in the face of loss:
In the North Carolina summer of 1967, tragedy strikes their family, so Willa Jo and Little Sister are sent to stay with their Aunt Patty and Uncle Hob while their mother tries to come to terms with their family’s loss. Aunt Patty has more of a way with her garden gnomes than little girls. Always concerned with the order and the rightness of a thing, she has a million rules about everything. This especially doesn’t sit well with Little Sister, who hasn’t said a word since her baby sister died, and plain refuses to let go of the drawing she carries with her everywhere. Luckily, Uncle Hob has a sweet, understanding way about him, and the neighbor kids, Lizzie and Isaac Fingers, are as nice as can be.Tickets are available online. Prices range from $10 to $20. Shows are held at the Park Street Theatre, 512 Park St. Thursday through Sunday. Call 614-224-6672 or visit www.colschildrenstheatre.org
Call for Entries Ohio Shorts
The Wexner Center is accepting entries for their annual Ohio Shorts showcase providing Ohio’s independent filmmakers and media artists a chance to show their work in a theatrical setting before an audience. Deadline for entries is Friday, March 23. The showcase is Saturday, April 28 at 7 p.m. in the Wexner Center. A Youth Division for producers ages 18 and younger will be held the same day at 4:30 p.m. Pieces must be independently produced in Ohio within the last 18 months and no longer than 20 minutes (10 minutes for Youth Division). Entries must be submitted on DVD. Unless the final work is on 16mm or 35mm film, selected artists will be asked to submit their videos as high-res Quicktime files for the screening. One entry per person. Works submitted to previous showcases are not accepted. Forms can be downloaded at www.wexarts.org or email Jennifer Lange jlange@wexarts.org or call 614-292-7617. The Youth Division is directed by Jean Pitman at jpitman@wexarts.org. She can be reached at 614-292-4614.
(left) The third sculpture of four to be installed in Harrison Park settled on the Olentangy riverbank on November 30, 2011. The one-ton Brassia Orchid, designed by Hannah Mason-Macklin and fabricated by Steve Bush, is powder-coated a bronze similar to the park’s gazebo. A stainless steel ball rests in the heart of the cradle-like orchid.
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